Nailing Down New Health Research
With new health information constantly being updated, we do our best to make appropriate changes to our diet, beauty regimes and general way of life.

We feel fortunate that we are able to benefit from new doctor research and receive the most up-to-date information as it happens.
Many of us still question mainstream warnings, such as cell phone use. But still, we make small changes, like wearing an earpiece, using speakerphone or a hands free option.

When it comes to nail polish, we as consumers strive not only for a durable application, but for a safe formula that still allows for a long lasting polish.
Recently, there were alerts all over the internet with a new warning for nail polish users. For those who took the time to read through more than one article, it was evident that the reports are conflicted. For example, some doctors, researchers, chemists and beauty experts are not convinced that we should panic. The reports point to a dangerous ingredient:
TPHP (Triphenyl phosphate). TPHP, in short, is added to nail polishes to make them more flexible and durable.
"...levels of TPHP in the system from nail polish exposure is no more significant than the level found in our bodies from everyday exposure to other environmental factors, and the EWG is blowing things out of proportion." - Doug Schoon, scientist and nail industry expert

Dr.’s REMEDY feels as though stripping away questionable ingredients from its polish is important. Dr.’s REMEDY plans to reformulate its shaded polish in 2016
Furthermore, using a protective base coat, lacking those questionable ingredients is wise.
"A base coat also creates a barrier that helps protect your nails from the damaging effects of nail polish." - HOW STUFF WORKS READ MORE
We suggest applying TOTAL Two-in-One, which is free from TPHP, as well as formaldehyde, toluene, and DBP. TOTAL functions as a clear protective base coat, as well as a durable top coat.
Beth Lange, chief scientist for the Personal Care Products Council, quickly responded and challenged the fear. “American consumers should not be concerned by new research that is speculative, misleading and does not use sound science to access the safety of an ingredient which has a long and well-documented history of use.” She added that TPHP has been widely and safely used across many industries around the world, especially as a flame retardant.
ASK DOUG: Is TPHP in Polish Toxic?
The test subject’s urine “before” applying nail polish was reported to contain about 0.00000000097 grams per every milliliter of urine. So it was already in the test subject’s urine in tiny traces, before the testing started.
The study claims that nail polish use raised this extremely tiny pre-existing amount up to 0.0000000063 grams per milliliter of urine- which is also a very tiny trace. That’s not very much of a change! In fact, it could be a trivial increase that means nothing.
TO COMMENT or REQUEST A TOPIC CLICK HERE | POSTED BY: Dr. Adam Cirlincione & Dr. William Spielfogel