Working From Home, Pinpointing Your Own Self-Care Remedy.

With the world in flux and so many health questions left unanswered, all that we can do for the global good is simply – stay home. Dr.'s REMEDY hopes to play at least small role in your self-care during this difficult time.

While listening to the news and wishing there were more ways to help, many of us are now working from home, caring for young children, helping our students, preparing meals and aiming to keep our homes germ free. We simply cannot lose touch on self care through quarantine.

Mani/Pedi therapy is just one of the surprisingly simple ways of coping during tough times.

Giving yourself a mani or pedi is an instant stress reducer. Greta Angert, a psychotherapist who specializes in anxiety said, ‘I often recommend that clients include painting their nails as one of many helpful coping skills.*

We hope that you can find your at-home ‘remedy’ during this confusing time.

Other ways to control stress: Set clear working hours, make time for virtual social chats, take time to go outside, give family members space, put screens away and read a good book, make a home improvement...maybe even explore new cuisine in your own kitchen.


Being home doesn’t mean we can’t be of service, here are some of the ways you can lend a hand:

1. Donate blood, food, clothing, money*

2. Buy Gift Cards to support local restaurants and cafes

3. Help the elderly by sending groceries or a greeting card.

*How Can You Help During Coronavirus?

*Painting Your Nails Stress Reliever!

TO COMMENT or REQUEST A TOPIC CLICK HERE  |  POSTED BY: Dr. Adam Cirlincione & Dr. William Spielfogel